2 History and Community Profile
3 Process for Developing the Plan
4 Community Assessment, Focus Areas, Goals, Strategies
4.1 Homes​
4.2 Mobility
4.4 Communications
6 Future Processes for Implementation
4.2 Mobility
The inability to get around safely greatly limits people’s lives and opportunities. The fear of losing the ability to drive and therefore losing independence is a common concern in Listening Sessions and survey comments.
To get around 91% of survey respondents said they drive themselves. Other modes of transportation included walking (16%) and riding with a spouse/partner (14%) or with family and friends (7%).
38% said, “It would not be easy to find a ride if an older person needed one for medical appointments, etc.”
When asked, “If it is hard to get to the places you need to go, why?” 15% answered the question. 44% of these participants chose as the reason lack of transportation, 35% said lack of money, 32% replied that they can’t walk well, 22% said they disliked asking for a ride, 12% cited poor vision or hearing, and 11% said they don’t like going out alone. For those 60+ in the region, not being able to walk well was the largest barrier (41%).
35% were concerned about falling but only 4% have participated in a fall reduction class.
Mobility-related comments focused on community infrastructure: having enough benches, handicapped parking, public restrooms and winter snow clearance on sidewalks.
Affordable and convenient transportation options, well-lit safe roads for walkers, bikers and drivers, and sidewalks or wide shoulders that encourage walking were important to 91-94% of survey participants.
The lack of sufficient transportation opportunities is another challenge, especially for older adults who may not have family nearby. “If I can’t drive, I have no options.” The City of Bath has a year-round bus service and a Trolley in the summer months but there is no regional public transportation system in place that connects residents to locations within our immediate area. Eligible MaineCare members have access to the Mid Coast Connector bus service for non-emergency medical appointments.
Goal: Increase transportation resources for people to participate in community and social opportunities, attend to personal needs, work and volunteer.
Work to reduce transportation barriers.
Activities: Invitations to community events will include information about walkability, parking, restroom availability and building access.
Metrics/Outcome: Starting immediately AFCLK announcements will include this information to encourage participation of residents with impaired mobility. Three community organizations will be contacted every year.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Activities: Define and advocate towards "Courtesy Parking Space".
Metrics/Outcome: Residents with limited mobility park closer to building in designated areas.
Timeline: 2020-2023
Activities: Education Campaign on access to disability placards and handicapped plates.
Metrics/Outcome: Information reduces barriers for eligible residents.
Timeline: 2020-2022
Activities: Assess condition of sidewalk for walking with a walker within 1/4 mile of Bath City Hall.
Metrics/Outcome: Advocate towards improved walkability in partnership with Bath Pedestrian & Bike Committee.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Add public restroom information to Bath City maps.
Activities: Work with City of Bath to include this information in new maps printed in the coming years.
Metrics/Outcome: Maps including this information will be available by 12-31-2022 It will be easier for residents and tourists alike to find public bathrooms in downtown Bath.
Timeline: 2021-2022
Certification for age-friendly businesses.
Activities: Research and identify which parameters influence the shopping experiences for all ages in respect to building access, store based shopping helpers and transportation of goods to vehicles in the parking area. Develop a partnership with Main Street Bath and store owners to raise awareness for the needs of customers with impaired mobility with the goal of expanding specific services.
Metrics/Outcome: Research finished by 12-31-2021, parameters developed by 6-2022, store specific certification process started by 12-2022.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Gather and disperse information on delivery of food and prescription drugs
Activities: Publicize information on existing delivery programs and service offered by VTN twice a year.
Metrics/Outcome: Increased knowledge about these services.
Timeline: 2021-2022
Support and promote opportunities to increase individual physical strength, and balance
Activities: Promote and organize classes and public events in partnership with community organizations, Spectrum Generations -the Area Agency on Aging- and the Bath Area Family YMCA.
Metrics/Outcome: Organize and promote two classes or events every year.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Activities: Walking at the YMCA during cold season for non-members.
Metrics/Outcome: Track numbers of participants.
Timeline: Program was active in winter of 2019/2020, restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Activities: Walking with a Doc.
Metrics/Outcome: Walking opportunity for residents together with a member of MidCoast Medical Group once a week.
Timeline: 2022-2023
Activities: Identify and mark 1/2 mile walk in Bath and two other communities.
Metrics/Outcome: Residents exercise and meet.
Timeline: 2021-2024
Activities: Promote 1/4 mile walk routes with multiple benches in Bath and two other municipalities.
Metrics/Outcome: Residents with restricted mobility receive additional outdoor walking opportunity.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Work towards improving transportation opportunities in our area
Activities: Link information about public transportation resources to municipal websites.
Metrics/Outcome: Increased number of riders.
Timeline: 2021-2022
Activities: Develop relationship with People Plus Volunteer Transportation Network to offer this program in our municipalities.
Metrics/Outcome: Rides will be available in the Bath area and extend to surrounding communities.
Timeline: 2021-2023
Activities: Research potential for wheel-chair accessible transportation service in partnership with community organizations and engage public support.
Metrics/Outcome: A volunteer based transportation network will operate a wheel-chair accessible vehicle for personal non-medical appointments.
Timeline: 2022-2025
Activities: Explore and identify potential transportation opportunities that may be provided by Western Maine CAP and Waldo CAP.
Metrics/Outcome: Additional transportation opportunities will improve connectivity to other Maine towns.
Timeline: 2022-2025