In person meeting followed by holiday social.
Attendees: Michele, Polly, Marla, Karin, Deirdra, Tommy, Barbara, Allison, Janet, Kelly
Vehicle transportation
Karin’s update for vehicle transportation program:
● The group of 6 members steering committee who’ve had background checks for the assisted rides program includes Deirdra, Jim, Karin, Marla, Michele and Susan.
● Jeremy at has been a fantastic instructor.
● The administrators have uploaded documents, gathering information on drivers.
● The Volunteer Transportation Program will officially start in Arrowsic and Georgetown in January.
● 1st driver orientation training is scheduled for 7th and/or 8th.
● Woolwich EMS will organize a training in January on a Thursday for APS Mandated Reporters provided by Midcoast Community Action. Open to volunteer drivers.
● The group would like to inform People Plus VTN and Stacy Frizzle of the transition date. Jim would like that to be clear.
● New Coordinator named Callie, says Bath needs to have additional drivers. Check with City of Bath Transportation, Lions Club - conversations to be had.
● Advertisement planned in the Arrow, FB, other.
● Finalize closure with People Plus for Arrowsic and Georgetown.
● Reach out, selectman meeting, municipality, targeted outreach. Bath-Tim Blair, Mary Ellen Bell, Deirdra and Michele will meet with them in January.
● Process! This is what we're working on at board meetings.
● Good partnership with MHS Interact Club, Declan Wright. Develop marketing materials.
Bath - Have bullet points for what Bath is doing, needs, etc.
● Specifics, what the rides are like. What are the requests? Twice a week, every 3 months, range.
○ Bowdoinham, 60 drivers volunteer, paid professionals coordinating, community of 3000 people. In relation to those numbers Arrowsic expects to need 10 drivers / people in town.
Year in review
● Accomplishments: leadership transition to Michele.
● April 11, town hall forum. Feedback Marylou report
● Lifelong community conference in June to hear what other communities are doing, different focus, get ideas
● Speaker on artificial intelligence, 2 workshops last summer
● Big lift with volunteer transportation program
● Susan has been working on transitioning social media, fb
● Deirdra met people individually over summer asking the question: what do you want to see this committee do?
● Constant recruitment, new person from Maine Health to join
● Meet with Claire from Midcoast Community Action
● Carolyn Kurrus, YMCA, no longer with the committee
● Updating website