In Person meeting at Bath City Hall. Attendees: Michele Melanson, Deirdra Murphy, Janet Persen, Jess Irish, Phyllis Wolfe, Jim Peavey, Allison Hepler, Barbara Reinertsen, Marla Davis, Polly Shaw, Joel Merry
Main agenda: Update and review of documents for our Volunteer Transportation Program.
The subcommittee met with a Bath Housing representative to explore options for a Volunteer Transportation Program in Bath. This conversation will continue and may include Waldo Community Action Partners, an organization offering limited transit services for residents in Sagadahoc County with an office at MMCA in Bath.
Several edits were suggested to the existing VTP draft forms and will be included in the final version. Georgetown and Arrowsic will start the program in the next couple of months. To build support, it was suggested to meet with and inform select board members in the remaining towns.