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Community Data Reports

Community Data Reports

Age Friendly Communities of the Kennebec conducted a survey  in the winter of 2018/2019 among residents of all six communities. The following reports contain the findings of these surveys.


Arrowsic Report

“Need safety checks for the elderly living alone.“

“During extended power outages I have a generator but can’t get it started. I need help.”

“If I can’t drive, I have no options.”

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Bath Report

“Summer has music events in the park which is wonderful, but I feel isolated in the winter and due to disability can not be out in cold much.”

“Housing concerns for older middle income retirees looking to downsize. Options currently are high priced condos or lower income housing. Might need to leave Bath which we don't want to do.”

“We need regular bus service to Brunswick and Mid Coast Hospital and doctors offices.“

Georgetown Report

“Caregivers need affordable short-term respite care. Some can’t get away for even an overnight.”

“The Fire Department and Ambulance Service are of critical importance.”

“If climate change increases, storm damage makes road access and driving more difficult - particularly with the tidal situation.”

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Phippsburg Report
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“It is extremely isolated in lower Phippsburg for seniors who do not have a lot of money.”

“Our community is wonderful. Wish there was more affordable housing for hard-working families.“

“I do not want to have to move just because I can't drive.”

West Bath Report

“It would be wonderful to have help finding places to work after retirement.”



“We need more units of affordable housing for which yard care, mowing, plowing, shoveling, is provided.”

“My mom is older, mobility impaired, and I really believe transportation for non-driving seniors could use improvement. The bus is great but she honestly needs door-side service."

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“Where we live in a rural area it would be really nice if there was some way to meet our neighbors or at least get to know who our neighbors are.”

“It is depressing how many people are ashamed of their financial situation, myself included. Not everyone has a support system they can rely on.”


“Once I cannot drive I believe my home, although perfectly safe to live in,

will be too isolating.”

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